The 11th Biennial Collective Intentionality Conference
August 22-25, 2018, Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA
In August 2018, Tufts University will host the biennial social ontology conference. This major conference will bring together international leaders across fields studying the nature of the social world and how to improve our models of it.
Topics include:
Approaches to the metaphysics of the social world
Collective intentionality and group cognition
The nature of institutions, firms, and organizations
The metaphysics of race and gender
The nature of law and legal applications of social ontology
Collective responsibility
Interdisciplinary contributions are encouraged.
Keynotes by:
Cristina Bichierri, Professor of Philosophy, Psychology, Legal Studies, Univ. of Pennsylvania
Sally Haslanger, Ford Professor of Philosophy, MIT
Kit Fine, Silver Professor of Philosophy, NYU
Daron Acemoglu, Killian Professor of Economics, MIT
Scott Shapiro, Southmayd Professor of Law and Philosophy, Yale
Edwin Etieyibo, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Univ. of Witswatersrand
Conference registration opens: May 1, 2018
Brian Epstein, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Tufts University
David Schweikard, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Flensburg
For more information on the conference or abstract submission, please contact Stephen Martin (
Essay prize:
On the occasion of the conference, the International Social Ontology Society will award an essay prize in social ontology for early career scholars (up to six years after completing their PhD). The prize comes with an award of 500 euros and publication (after suitable revisions) in the Journal of Social Ontology. Please look for further announcements for details of the prize competition and deadlines for submission. For more information, contact David Schweikard (
Official sponsors:
The Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life at Tufts
McQuinn Center for Entrepreneurship, University of Missouri
Philosophy Department, Harvard University
Provost's Office, Tufts University
Dean of Arts and Sciences, Tufts University
ReST program / Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research
Classics Department, Tufts University
The Collective Intentionality conferences are a biennial series sponsored by the International Social Ontology Society. The previous ten events in this series have been held at Delft University of Technology in Den Haag, Netherlands (2016), Indiana University Bloomington (2014), and the Universities of Manchester (2012), Basel (2010), Berkeley (2008), Helsinki (2006), Siena (2004), Rotterdam (2002), Leipzig (2000) and Munich (1999).