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Social Ontology & Collective Intentionality 2022

Psychological, Behavioural, and Applied Perspectives

Vienna   ●   August 23-26, 2022

In-person with full online participation : The conference was held in person in Vienna, with full participation in all talks and discussions possible online

Conference locations: Hauptgebäude (HG, "Main Building") and Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG, "New Institute Building") of the University of Vienna, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna.

Programme             Travel Information

Topics of the 2022 conference included:

·       Social action and collective action

·       Shared, collective, and corporate responsibility

·       Collective thought, intention, and emotion

·       Trust, cooperation, and competition

·       The nature, evolution, and functioning of social norms

·       The ontology of the social world, esp. social kinds (e.g. race or gender) and social structures

·       The structure of institutions, firms, and organizations

·       The ontology of economics

Keynote speakers

Thomas Bugnyar, Professor of Cognitive Ethology, Vienna 

Arto Laitinen, Professor of Social Philosophy, Tampere 

Nikos Nikiforakis, Professor of Economics, NYU Abu Dhabi

Natalie Sebanz, Professor of Cognitive Science, Central European University

Quayshawn Spencer, Professor of Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania

Deborah Tollefsen, Professor of Philosophy, Memphis

ISOS essay prize winner 

Jade Fletcher, Lecturer in Philosophy, University of St Andrews

Conference organisers

Judith Martens, University of Antwerp

Felix Pinkert, University of Vienna

Bernhard Schmid, University of Vienna

"International Social Ontology Society" is registered as a non-profit organization in Austria.

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